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Nabízíme 3D samolepky s motivem více než 230 psích plemen ve vysoké kvalitě.

Curly Coated Retriever

  • Arch with six 3D labels diameter of 50 mm
  • Arch with four 3D labels diameter of 70 mm
  • Arch with two 3D labels diameter of 100 mm
  • A 3D sticker with diameter of 150 mm
  • A 3D sticker with diameter of 300 mm

Vemte prosím na vědomí, že psí rasy zobrazené na menších obrázcích jsou pouze ilustrativní. Vámi vybraná varianta produktu bude dodána s vybranou rasou psa. U varianty 6ks/50mm jsou 2 ze samolepek s motivem I LOVE, u varianty 4ks/70mm je s tímto motivem jedna samolepka.


3D samolepka Kudrnatý Retrívr 101 C

Dostupnost: Skladem

3D samolepka je stálobarevná díky UV filtru. Je odolná vůči mechanickému poškození, chemickým substancím, vlhkosti, oleji či benzinu i povětrnostním vlivům. Tepelně odolná je zhruba od –30 do +120 stupňů Celsia. Je omyvatelná vodou i různými čistícími prostředky. Speciální povrchová úprava nálepek zaručuje dlouhodobou stálobarevnost a trvanlivost a zachovává si 100% svých vlastností i po opakovaném mytí např. automobilů v automyčkách. 3D nálepku je možno aplikovat na jakýkoliv pevný hladký povrch.

Availability: Skladem

Varianta produktu Cena Množství
Aršík (ks): 1
Průměr 3D samolepky: 300 mm
500 Kč
Aršík (ks): 1
Průměr 3D samolepky: 150 mm
325 Kč
Aršík (ks): 4
Průměr 3D samolepky: 70 mm
300 Kč
Aršík (ks): 2
Průměr 3D samolepky: 100 mm
300 Kč
Aršík (ks): 6
Průměr 3D samolepky: 50 mm
300 Kč

Proč nakupovat u nás?

  • Zboží přímo od výrobce
  • Prémiová kvalita, 3D technologie
  • Žádné marže přeprodejce
  • Nejvíce motivů psích ras na trhu
  • Možnost úpravy na míru


The Curly Coated Retriever (often referred to as a Curly) is a breed of dog originally bred in England for upland bird and waterfowl hunting. It is the tallest of the retrievers and is easily distinguishable by the mass of tight curls covering its body. Curly Coated and Wavy Coated (now known as the Flat-Coated Retriever) were the first two recognised retriever breeds, established as early as 1860. The Curly is an active, well-muscled dog bred for upland bird and waterfowl hunting. The Curly is somewhat different in structure than the more common retrievers. A well-bred Curly will appear slightly leggy but is actually slightly longer than tall. It is balanced and agile with a significant air of endurance, strength, and grace. Curlies are soft-mouthed and regularly handle game with care. Show standards call for dogs to be between 25 and 27 inches (64 and 69 cm) at the withers, and for females to be between 23 and 25 inches (58 and 64 cm), however a wide range of sizes occurs, particularly in those dogs bred for the field, which generally run smaller. The country of origin calls for a taller dog and bitch, with only 27 inches (69 cm) for males and 25 inches (64 cm) for females listed. Taller is preferable to shorter. Weight should be in proportion to the height of the dog. The breed sports a coat of tight, crisp curls. The tight curled coat of the Curly repels water, burrs, and prevents damage that other sporting dogs with softer, thinner coats cannot escape. The only acceptable colours for the Curly Coated Retriever are solid black and solid liver. Occasional white hairs are permissible, but white patches are a serious fault. Eyes should be either black or brown in black dogs, and brown or amber in liver dogs. Yellow eyes are unusual. The nose should be fully pigmented, and the same colour as the coat as the dog.

Zdroj informací: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curly_Coated_Retriever

Další informace

Rasa psa Kudrnatý Retrívr

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